Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Savor the Beauty of Stunning Foliage Signs and Shapes from HedgeScape

Do you always invest in buying jewelry and other accessories for enhancing the beautiful outfit you wear? If, so accessorizing with various decor items is also synonymous with landscape designing. But, which decor item should be considered for enhancing the beauty of interior and exterior landscape of any luxurious property like five hotels or huge shopping mall, that is the biggest concern. There can be many options in decor items, but something which can create an instant connection with visitors is what we should look for.

Installing decor items which have the connection with nature will be the best choice as nature is attached to each one of us and we love being close to it in some way or other. Interesting topiaries in various shapes and signs can be a great addition as a decor item for your outdoor as well as indoor landscapes. 

It will look fascinating and add more to the beauty of the landscapes, but growing live topiaries is not at all an easy job, requires tremendous time to grow, the lengthy maintenance process and also manpower. Hence, artificial foliage in any shape and sign made into topiary should be the best pick. It looks 100% real just like faux boxwood topiary, fake moss or artificial grass plants.

For turning your dream ideas into perfect shape, where would you get the faux topiaries logos and signage?

For more than 40 years, HedgeScapes is the name of the company, which has been manufacturing the best available fake botanical foliages. The company is extremely famous, and it earned the recognition for creating the exact replica of live trees and plants in various forms. Your search for faux topiaries logos and signage would end here, but the company has many another type of products available in their collection like artificial topiary trees, green walls, screens, animal and form topiaries, silk grass, faux boxwood hedge and even rolls.

The best experts from the industry, like landscape architects, designers and botanists have been hired by the company for forming their manufacturing team. With extreme perfection and care the replica of the real botanical beauties are created by them. Whether it's the main entrance garden of an exotic resort or even the lobby of a big corporate office, these faux landscaping botanical products can create an all new environment, which will please every visitor. 

Visit their official website, and you can then contact the concerned person for having a discussion regarding your landscape decoration. If you require, the company also arranges for installation of the products bought from them. 

Why do you think it is wise to switch to the fake botanical alternatives over the real plants or trees?

Uniqueness in landscape designing is every client's need, but with that, the cost effectiveness and maintenance regime of the decor items are also considered a vital need. Be it an amusement park or a large casino, the faux foliage in signs and different shaped topiaries, boxwood wall and other landscaping decor items from HedgeScapes will prove to be the perfect choice for impressing every client instead of real ones. The reasons are explained below:
  • The faux foliated shapes will never need any shaping, pruning or trimming for maintaining its appearance, while without following these regimes the real topiary trees cannot grow.
  • The faux one will retain its exact fresh appearance when placed in freezing temperature or even in deserted areas with very high and humid temperatures. The real one will only grow in suitable climatic conditions.
  • You only have to buy the fake signage topiaries once, and it will keep looking the same all your life, but the real one can die or decay at any point in time.
  • Lifeless topiaries in various shapes, logos or signs will not require water, while for survival, adequate water, and sunlight will be required by the real one.
  • No fertilizers or insecticides will be required for the replica topiaries, but as the real one can have the infection with bacteria and also insects can get attracted to them, they will be required all the time.
What does the collection from HedgeScapes consist of?

Very much renowned and extremely popular, HedgeScapes can be termed as the number one company for creating the exact live like foliages. Leading landscape architects and designers are extremely fond of the products and use them all the time for decking up the premises of any big hospital or the landscapes of any luxurious shopping arcade. These lifeless botanical products are so strikingly beautiful and look real that even after noticing them for a long time you cannot differentiate them from the real ones.

What are the unique properties of the artificial botanical products from HedgeScapes?
  • They are impregnated with ThermaLeaf® technology for getting 100% protection during any fire accident.
  • The products stay completely protected from color fading caused by harmful uv rays for using of PermaLeaf® technology on their surface.
  • Premium quality raw materials and engineering technique are used for manufacturing them for ensuring high commercial grading.
  • The logo, signs and various shaped topiaries, are quite lightweight and installation process is completely handled the company professionals on request.
Hedgescapes faux foliage variety in topiaries with different shapes of logos and signs.

Create the logo topiary of your company on the garden of your luxurious office property or pick a letter synonymous with the property you want to design the landscape for, to create a letter topiary in any size. The available variety is english ivy, azalea, boxwood, juniper, dark-green pearl grass and light-green pearl grass.

Customize these foliages in permanent form, which last all your life, or you can even opt for temporary options. That is perfect for any wedding party decoration. Contact their manufacturing team, and ask for the catalog to look for ideas and samples before ordering.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Why Artificial Foliage Is All You Need to Create Magical Landscape for Your Buildings

Most of the cities are full of the major commercial complexes and offices. With their barren concrete structure, these buildings become an eyesore to the visitors. These commercial buildings do not tantalize the senses of anyone and fail to attract the visitors. Whether you are the proud proprietor of a mall, hotel, big restaurant, casino, large corporate house, entertainment park, government building or even hospital, it is vital to have a pleasant appearance.  In this fast changing society, you should transform any commercial complex into a magnificent building for luring your customers.

As the present day, people are after aesthetics of the surroundings and the interior of the commercial places; it becomes your prime responsibility to embellish the commercial property. Keep in mind, people see the exterior of the building first and only see the interior after they enter the industrial complex. Creating a great outdoor landscape helps to impress the customers and visitors. You have to seriously consider the use of foliage for enhancing the look of your commercial building. The artificial plants and trees are ideal for creating the magical landscape to your property.

Why opt for artificial foliage?

All love the efficient green surroundings, and researchers also reveal that people staying close to nature are blessed with positive vibes. This makes live plants as the essential accessory for creating an amazing landscape. Using natural plants for decorating purposes has many pitfalls. These are tough to maintain, and you must have dedicated people to look after the live plants. Whatever care and attention you may take, these are sure to die one-day needing replacement. These can also be installed very quickly. When you use the natural looking artificial plants and trees for landscaping, you are free from these hassles, and that is why these are enjoying great popularity.

Faux foliage delights visitors

Whether it is a large corporate house or a shopping mall or a theme park or luxury resort or whatever commercial complex you may think of, it needs accessorizing. It is challenging for the architect and designers since it has to be perfect for making this impressive. Including artificial boxwood hedge in the landscaping, a regimen is a safe option as these easily connect with the visitors. Placing these with other fake plants in the patios, porches, and gazebos and reception area, waiting for hall and conference room of any large commercial complex, restaurants or office building imparts an amazing look.

Ideal for exterior landscape requirements

The biggest advantage of using artificial boxwood hedge over the live versions is that these can be customized to suit any outdoor landscapes. While fitting a natural plant to any landscape may pose to be difficult, available in a wide range of vibrant color and different shape and sizes, these easily fit into any outdoor settings.

Fills empty indoor spaces

Unutilized indoor spaces destroy the beauty of the furniture used in any large restaurant, business house, hotel, etc.  Being void, it becomes an eyesore to the visitors and customers. When some artificial decorative accessories like artificial boxwood topiary or fake flowers are added to interior empty corners, it gives a nice touch and unwinds the beauty of the place in a great way. Use these false greeneries to create a mesmerizing indoor ambiance.

One item many options

Walking through a beautiful walkway delivers a happy mood full of creativity. A beautifully landscaped commercial complex also conveys the quality and class you maintain and ultimately creates a friendly ambiance for the overall growth of the business. The artificial plants and trees are available in different forms and can also be used to compliment any business theme. In case you require conveying speed combined with high energy level and fun, there are bright colored fake flowers to do it. On the contrary, you can look for symmetrical and disciplined false greeneries for a formal theme of business. In case you have a hotel chain you can opt for fake palm trees for decorating the swimming pool and artificial decorative hedges for making small private spaces in the outdoor landscape.  Whatever may be your option, the faux greeneries can impart a distinctive look to all landscaping projects.

Unique features

The artificial boxwood hedge and other fake foliage are made botanically correct and, therefore, these resemble the natural plants in all respects. Manufactured from the high-quality plastic material, these are sturdy enough to withstand a change in climatic conditions. Backed by PermaLeaf and ThermaLeaf quality, these false decorative elements are designed to keep their beauty for long. Being provided with UV protection chemicals these do not lose their lush green color with time, and this makes a difference over the live plants. These are also fire-retardant and conform to local fire laws. These unique features make the HedgeScapes nature mimicked plants ideal option for both outdoor and indoor landscaping requirements.

Minimum effort maximum gain

Using fake beautifying plants, hedges and artificial boxwood topiary for garden hotels, corporate house, shopping malls, luxury restaurants, amusement parks, government office building and hospitals require one-time investment.  These decorative items need no watering, pruning, applying pesticides, etc. except cleaning once in a while to keep their luster. So you save on cost. Being false, these do attract pests keeping your valued customers free from insect attacks. Pets also do not feel any attraction to these fake trees. This makes you further relieved from the fear of damage by the pets. Whether you are starting a landscaping project from scrap or renovating an existing landscape, installation is the key to success. Being easily installable, these deliver amazing landscaping experience. Since these are not rooted in the soil, these are flexible. You can interchange the fake decorative greeneries in and around your commercial property and play with their arrangement for giving different looks to the various places after some time.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Why boxwoods mats continue to be the most popular landscaping picks

Have you been looking for something unique and catchy to highlight a particular area within your commercial property? Are you willing to create an area separate for fun and frolic which would coexist with the formal ambiance of a workplace? Then commercially produced high-quality boxwood mats and boxwood foliage is all that you are craving for. In today's world, which hardly leaves a chance to commit even the smallest mistake when it comes to decorating the interiors or the exteriors, you would need something classy to place in your commercial premise. So no matter whether you have a luxury spa or an opulent hotel, a fantastic theme park or a serene hospital, you can seek resort to this beautiful and gorgeous boxwood mats. 

High-quality materials go into the making of these plants

While you are contemplating to transform the look and feel of your commercial space, you must give these boxwood mats a try as they are made out of high-quality raw plastic and silk which eliminate the need for constant caring. You may use them both for the interior decoration or the exterior landscaping without having a second thought about running their looks. These mats are armed with UV resistant and fire retardant chemicals which make them a smart choice for placing outdoors. If there is a fire outbreak, these faux boxwood mats can fend off the fumes and save your property from potential damage. Unlike the artificial foliage available previously, the new age faux mats have UV resistant, and fire retardant chemicals impregnated deep within the innermost layers to make sure that they are not washed out even after continuous exposure to rain and snow. 

A spellbinding array of designs and forms to select from

The best thing about this faux foliage is that you can select from a wide range of forms, designs, and sizes which make them an ideal choice for any place you want to place them. They will instantly create a sophisticated and mesmerizing look within the boundaries of your commercial premise regardless of whether they are placed indoors or outdoors. Many commercial property owners tend to forget that the area is also their workstation and believes that they cannot be altered for better. But the fake boxwood mats would allow you to add a mystic charm to your commercial space. All you would have to do is browse through the exquisite collection of fake boxwood mats and use them with contrasting blossoms and small plants so that they look complete in themselves.

Bring in a home-like comfort within your commercial space

No matter how exotic a place you visit, nothing can match the warmth, coziness, and comfort of your sweet home. That's the reason why we all crave to go back home after a hard day's toiling and hardships. But with artificial boxwood mats, you can create the same warmth and comfort of home within the commercial place. That would be helpful if you are an owner of a hotel of a luxurious restaurant. Your clients and visitors would get a home-like feeling, and they are bound to appreciate the way you have designed and used the unique ideas to incorporate the fake boxwood mats both indoors and outdoors of the commercial space. It will not only change the way-too-formal look of the area but also imbue the space with an inexplicable warmth that could only be felt.

Revamp your commercial interiors with radical ideas

There was a time when the task of adorning the interiors of a place solely rested on the posh furnishing and exotic wall paints. But those days are long gone; today you can bring in the eco-friendly approach right within the interiors of the commercial space. Today the commercial property owners are experimenting with the long deprived ideas and incorporating the fresh feel of the fake boxwood mats by minimizing the involvement of furniture. The boxwood mat rolls come in a wide assortment, and you may customize them to suit your purpose. So, what could be a better way of adding a tinge of green in the commercial place which would be loved, adored and applauded by all?

An elegant approach to adding smooth greenery in the outdoor landscape

After you finish smothering a touch of life in the commercial interiors, you cannot afford to deprive the outdoors. And when it comes to outdoors, the entrance plays the most vital role. It is the first thing that catches the attention of all your visitors and guests, and if you could embellish it right, you have won half of the battle. To achieve the desired finish, you can position the mat along the pavement and driveways in such a way that they appear exotic and natural. These mats are inherently crafted to be used at the top class commercial premise and when it is equipped with your creativity, who can stop the magic from being created?

Involve a scenic style in a classy way

As mentioned earlier, the products are made from premium quality materials without even a bit of compromise on their standard. Plus, they are crafted with such an accurate precision that you would hardly be able to understand that they are commercially produced. You will not have to worry for how to clean and maintain them as they wouldn't demand any additional care. You can effortlessly place them in high traffic areas without worrying about prospective damages. They are sure to last for a couple of years and would never turn weary or pale after a few months. So, what are you waiting for? Get across these beautiful and exotic fake mats and install them wherever you feel them plausible and visualize your commercial premise to wake up.